The ABE program works with local education experts to ensure that the ABE curriculum is aligned to national and local education standards in each region where ABE is offered. To learn more, review the information below or contact your local program site.
United States: ABE meets many of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. The biology explored by students in the program is core to the learning of science and technology. Students gain content knowledge, proficiency with scientific practices, and understanding of several disciplinary core ideas. Students also explore scientific reading and writing that meets the CCSS English Language Arts standards.
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United Kingdom: The ABE programme is well-positioned to support the A level Biology requirement that gel electrophoresis is a required practical activity. For the other exam specifications the practical activities offered by the ABE programme align well with the required subject knowledge content on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. In fact they present a relevant and popular framework that provides students with opportunities to make metacognitive links between different areas of the exam specifications, a beneficial activity in composing responses to the long answer questions.
Download PDF showing alignment of ABE curriculum to GCE AS and A level Biology exam specifications