Joshua Burgos:
Bringing Business Savvy to Biotech
If you can set out milestones to improve everything you touch, you'll be good to go for the future.
"I've come a long way from where I originally started; I actually got my initial degree in biomedical engineering at the University of Florida," says Joshua Burgos who works in global accounting at Amgen in Tampa. Since taking an internship with Amgen and then working there after graduation, Burgos has been on a mission to gain a broad variety of work experiences to learn more about the business side of biotechnology.
What drew him to biotechnology was the drive to help others. From a young age, when his father passed away from a rare type of cancer, Burgos aspired to work in medicine. That drive led him to biomedical engineering and Amgen, where he then discovered he enjoyed learning about business aspects like accounting.
His advice to students is to try to make anything they work on better. "If you can set out milestones to improve everything you touch, you'll be good to go for the future," he says.
Learn more about his career journey in this video profile.