
ABE Blog

The ABE blog covers biotech and biotech-education news and trends in and beyond the ABE community. Topical posts often include student activities. 


Considering the Ethics of Editing Genes (Part 2)

April 27, 2021

In Part 1 of this series, we explored the ethics of gene editing in the context of editing plant and animal genomes for agricultural purposes. In…

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Considering the Ethics of Editing Genes (Part 1)

April 15, 2021

In this first part of a two-part blog series, we explore the history and ethics of editing plant and animal genes in the context of agriculture and…

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ABE Appreciation: Charissa Lin, ABE Singapore

April 13, 2021

Meet one of our most passionate and innovative ABE community members. Working with her team at Singapore’s Science Centre, Charissa Lin is the team’s…

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How Does ABE Approach Evaluation?

March 22, 2021

This is the first in a series of blog posts on the topic of evaluation in the context of the ABE program. Program evaluation is a valuable tool when…

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Seeing Is Not Necessarily Believing

March 15, 2021

Supporting Students in Evaluating Sources One of the most difficult tasks that we have as humans is discerning whether something we hear, see, or…

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What Does Culturally Responsive Teaching Look Like?

March 7, 2021

With a continued focus on bringing equity, engagement, and diversity to the forefront of an inclusive STEM workforce, the ABE Program Office is…

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ABE Turkey—Reflections on Our First PDI

March 7, 2021

- Contributed by the ABE Turkey program site staff We recently (November–December 2020) completed our first official ABE professional development…

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Coming Full Circle: From Teaching to Industry to ABE Parent

March 4, 2021

Cleo Talbot grew up in a small town in the middle of Ireland called Mullingar. There, the only women she ever met who had science degrees were her…

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