Responding to a Mystery Illness
This resource is based on real events, though the timeline and details may have been changed to allow it to be used for educational purposes. As part of an imaginary WHO team, students help determine which organism is causing a mysterious illness first described in China, try to halt its spread, and begin the work of developing a vaccine.This…
Bioethics of Gene Editing
Lyme disease is a pervasive problem in the United States. Kevin Esvelt, a scientist at MIT, is trying to use gene editing to disrupt the cycle of transmission. In this module, students learn about… Read more
Type(s): Web-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Environment, Biotech & Society, Bioethics
Education Levels: Upper Secondary, Advanced
Gene Regulation of the Red Fluorescent Protein in the PARA-R Plasmid
This lesson introduces students to the concept of gene regulation, and several related topics. It covers several types of operons, including the regulation mechanism involved in Foundations of… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Web-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Biotech & Society
Education Levels: Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary
Genetic Technologies Overview
This lesson provides an introduction to eight current topics in biotechnology, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA "fingerprinting," and genetic sequencing. The scientific… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Web-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech & Society, Data Science, Bioinformatics, Lab Techniques, Cloning, CRISPR, Gene Editing, Gene Sequencing, Transformation
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Introduction to bioinformatics Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based, Web-basedTopic(s): Data Science, Bioinformatics, Teaching and Learning, Differentiated Instruction
Education Levels: Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary, Introductory
Introduction to Genomics and Bioinformatics Booklet
This workbook introduces students to the foundational concepts of bioinformatics and genomics and connects them to the ABE Foundations of Biotech labs. Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based, Web-basedTopic(s): Data Science, Bioinformatics
Education Levels: Upper Secondary, Advanced
Protein Factory Game
This board game teaches students the fundamentals of transcription and translation. | These materials were developed by an ABE Master Teacher as part of the ABE Master Teacher Fellowship. Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based, Web-basedTopic(s): Lab Techniques, Gene Expression
Education Levels: Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary
Responding to a Mystery Illness
This resource is based on real events, though the timeline and details may have been changed to allow it to be used for educational purposes. As part of an imaginary WHO team, students help determine… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Web-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease
Education Levels: Upper Secondary, Advanced
Rice Genetic Modification Simulation
Rice is a staple food product in many countries across the globe, and it can be modified in numerous useful ways (e.g., to be resistant to diseases, to include additional nutrients as in golden rice… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Lab-based, Web-basedTopic(s): Lab Techniques, Gene Editing, Gene Sequencing
Education Levels: Upper Secondary