Now Available: New Clinical Trials Curriculum Module


The ABE Program Office is pleased to announce the release of their latest high school biotechnology curriculum module: Clinical Trials: From Disease to Medicine. 

The tension between research and care is ever present in public health emergencies. There is an urgent desire to balance the need of caring for current patients while also learning as much as possible about potential interventions to help current and future patients. In this module, students are introduced to the H1N1 pandemic that emerged in 2009.

Their task is to oversee the development of a promising vaccine to stem the H1N1 outbreak. Students: 

  • review a timeline of the virus’s initial development
  • learn about different types of clinical research and the four phases of clinical trials
  • consider ethical issues in clinical research, particularly in regard to participant recruitment
  • synthesize, with their research teams, everything they’ve learned to complete an application for approval of their clinical trial

Download the curriculum module:

NOTE: This module is designed to last 8 to 10 class periods. 

Find more ABE curriculum modules on our Teaching and Learning Materials page.