ABE Blog
The ABE blog covers biotech and biotech-education news and trends in and beyond the ABE community. Topical posts often include student activities.
Finding a Path Back to Science
March 11, 2025
Like many people pursuing a PhD in research, Drew Spacht entered his graduate work not looking forward to the teaching that would be expected of him. To his surprise, however, he loved it. “When I started, I was like, ‘I'm going to do pure science,’” he recalls. “And very quickly, I got wrapped up in teaching, putting a lot of my time into being…
Bringing Biotech Out of the Textbooks and Into the Real World in Rhode Island
August 8, 2019
Julie Pankowicz’s students engaging in an ABE activity Julie Pankowicz started teaching high school biology right out of undergraduate school when…
Pipetting 101: Tips and Tricks to Help Everyone Master the Use of a Micropipette
July 19, 2019
Pipetting is a crucial skill in biotechnology. Doing it properly helps ensure better results in the lab, prolongs the life of the equipment, and…
Bacterial Whack-A-Mole: The Rise of Drug Resistant “SuperBugs”
July 17, 2019
Today, we often take antibiotics for granted. Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, these powerful medications have become a cornerstone of…
Viruses to the Rescue: A Promising Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis
June 30, 2019
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a progressive genetic condition that causes recurrent respiratory infections and limits a patient’s ability to breathe over…
A Biotech Revolution at a Vocational School in Massachusetts
June 10, 2019
Over the last 6 years, a biotech revolution has occurred at Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School in Massachusetts. Driven by…
2018 Nobel Winning Research Unleashed New Paths for Cancer Treatments
June 7, 2019
The year 2018 was a big one in biotechnology. Among many new discoveries and advancements, immunotherapy took center stage with the awarding of the…
Behind the Scenes: Preparing the Benchtop for the Next Generation of Biotech
May 20, 2019
From our dedicated teachers to program support staff, many people work hard to make the Amgen From From our dedicated teachers to program support…
Teasing Apart Race, Ancestry, and Ethnicity with Scientist Luke Ward (Part 2)
May 5, 2019
Boston ABE teacher Amanda Dillingham and colleagues had some tough questions about genetics and ethnicity that arise in their biology classes, so…