ABE Blog
The ABE blog covers biotech and biotech-education news and trends in and beyond the ABE community. Topical posts often include student activities.
Finding a Path Back to Science
March 11, 2025
Like many people pursuing a PhD in research, Drew Spacht entered his graduate work not looking forward to the teaching that would be expected of him. To his surprise, however, he loved it. “When I started, I was like, ‘I'm going to do pure science,’” he recalls. “And very quickly, I got wrapped up in teaching, putting a lot of my time into being…
Transforming Practical Classroom Science in the UK: Q&A with British Science Educator Karen Stephens
March 14, 2018
Counting bubbles of oxygen to measure the rate of photosynthesis, estimating the population size of an organism using quadrats – these are some of…
Expanding Opportunities for Biotechnology Worldwide
March 12, 2018
China recently announced a new strategic plan, stipulating that the biotechnology sector should exceed 4% of gross domestic product by 2020, with 10…
A Passion for the Scientific Process
April 10, 2017
For almost half of his life, Dr. David Mangus worked as a research scientist. He loved working in the laboratory, trying to figure out how things…
From Ballet to Biotech
August 11, 2015
With nearly 15 years of dancing under her belt, Kimberly Piper had hopes of one day joining the Boston Ballet – that is, until she took ABE during a…
The Amgen Scholars Program was a "Scientist Boot Camp"
August 11, 2015
"ABE was my only encounter with hands-on activities in science class which allowed me to actually experience the science and personally relate to the…
Inspiring the Next Generation, One Lab Kit at a Time
August 11, 2015
"The hands-on components of ABE were much better than what was offered in other science courses I had taken. They are really what turned me on to…
Science: A Common Language
August 11, 2015
At the young age of 14, Henry Chou made a bold move—he left behind his immediate family in Taiwan to live with relatives in the United States in…
ABE: Expanding Horizons, Increasing Students' Enthusiasm
July 15, 2015
Dr. Wendy Wooten always knew she wanted to go into academia and got an earlier start to teaching than most while she was working towards her Ph.D. at…