Brazil Joins ABE, Giving High-Need Youth Access to Biotech

ABE Spreads Farther into the Southern Hemisphere with the Addition of ABE Brazil

ABE Brazil program site leaders

Please join us in welcoming our latest ABE program site: ABE Brazil. The Brazilian program site is located at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, a university in São Paulo. Mackenzie is working with Sincroniza Educação, an education company that brings together educational systems, schools, and teachers to engage with new practices and processes to promote student learning. Site Coordinator Eduardo Pessonia Molina Cortez (Sincroniza) and Site Director Prof. Camila Sacchelli Ramos (Mackenzie), attended the ABE Lab Tech Meeting in September.

ABE Brazil will target students from low-income and historically marginalized communities, allowing them to visit the university and participate in biotech labs, sparking curiosity among Brazilian youth in today's biotech and in possible careers for their future.