ABE Blog
The ABE blog covers biotech and biotech-education news and trends in and beyond the ABE community. Topical posts often include student activities.
Drug Design: Matching a Drug to Its Target
October 15, 2024
Make sure to read our first drug design blog post: Drug Design: An Overview. When we think of medicines, we often picture colorful capsules, pills, or liquids that cure illnesses or help us feel better. But how do these medicines go to the right places and how do they treat specific problems (or conditions) in our bodies? The answer lies in…
ABE at St. Ivo Academy, Cambridgeshire, UK
November 30, 2022
First published in the ABE UK monthly newsletter. At St. Ivo, we have been running the Amgen Biotech Experience for our year 13 groups for the past 7…
Mission Possible: Forging a Path from the Military to Biotech
November 10, 2022
On Veterans Day 2021, Lt. Col. Edwin Martinez received special recognition in Puerto Rico for his work during the COVID-19 pandemic—distributing…
Scientists Make a Turn to Teaching
October 5, 2022
Although many students think about careers as a linear journey that continues along roughly the same track, building over time, most professionals…
Broadening Participation in STEM Through Community Engagement
September 20, 2022
Advancing STEM interest and engagement has increasingly demanded the creation of complementary education strategies to support continued growth and…
From Childhood Museum Visits to Cross-Country Research: Fulfilling a Science Dream
September 19, 2022
This year has been a particularly memorable one for Hannah Menghis, who spent the spring before her freshman year at Brown University doing…
When Lifelong Learners Turn to Teaching
August 30, 2022
This story is part of a blog series on the ABE Master Teaching Fellows. Although the school year is just starting to kick off in the Northern…
Building New Pathways to Biotech
August 23, 2022
The biotech sector often has a stigma attached to it: the idea that you need a science degree to be a part of it. That stigma can prevent many…
Drug Design: An Overview
August 15, 2022
In the past, most drugs were discovered by accident. For example, in the 1920s, veterinarians observed that cattle were afflicted with an unusual…