
ABE Blog

The ABE blog covers biotech and biotech-education news and trends in and beyond the ABE community. Topical posts often include student activities. 


When Lifelong Learners Turn to Teaching

August 30, 2022

This story is part of a blog series on the ABE Master Teaching Fellows.  Although the school year is just starting to kick off in the Northern…

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Building New Pathways to Biotech

August 23, 2022

The biotech sector often has a stigma attached to it: the idea that you need a science degree to be a part of it. That stigma can prevent many…

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Drug Design: An Overview

August 15, 2022

In the past, most drugs were discovered by accident. For example, in the 1920s, veterinarians observed that cattle were afflicted with an unusual…

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Opening a Gateway to New Possibilities in Rhode Island

August 2, 2022

It can take just one person to open a student’s eyes to new possibilities: That’s a common theme that emerges when speaking with professionals of all…

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Ethical Questions Around Transplanted Organ Distribution

June 12, 2022

Worldwide, over 100,000 people receive life-saving organ transplants every year. Unfortunately, many people still die while awaiting transplant. In…

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Personal Reflections on a Professional Learning Course

June 6, 2022

It’s not often that one finishes a professional learning course fully satisfied, with the awareness of having spent one’s time well. Today that…

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When Chance Encounters and Creative Curiosity Carve a Unique Path

May 25, 2022

In honor of her 15-year anniversary working at Amgen, Ingrid Rulifson created a post on Facebook that would lead to an unexpected chain of events. A…

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Slivers in Time: Student Experiences with Pandemic Learning

May 16, 2022

Masks, sanitizer, a special ring, signature sunglasses, family photos, a laptop charger—these were some of the items that students listed they would…

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