Explore biology and biotechnology curricula and resources developed by ABE Master Teacher Fellows (MTFs).

Synthetic Biology
In this lesson, students learn research and learn the underlying concepts of Synthetic Biology, learn how to apply engineering design process to create systems of devices composed of parts of DNA,… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Biotech & Society, Data Science, Lab Techniques
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Author: Wendy Wooten, ABE Greater Los Angeles Area

In this lesson, students deepen their understanding of the relationship between scientific research in modern biology and medicine by studying the genetic basis of thalassemia, a form of hereditary… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease, Biotech & Society, Bioethics, Data Science, Bioinformatics, Lab Techniques, Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, Pipetting, Restriction Enzyme
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Author: Salvatore Stira, ABE Italy

Innovative Cancer Treatments
This lesson aims to engage and deepen students’ experiences and expertise in the field of “Cancer Cells” and “Innovative Therapies for recurring or difficult-to-treat cancers,” and in particular… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease, Immunology, Pharmaceuticals, Biotech & Society
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Author: Paola Travascio, ABE Italy

Why Is Scientific Research Regulated?
This lesson covers scientific regulation and an overview of bioethics, as well as nuclear energy, gene editing, and a number of other hot-button issues that students will definitely have heard about… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Biotech & Society, Bioethics
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Author: Jo-Anne Donaldson, ABE Australia

Computational Thinking and ABE
In this lesson, no instructions are provided. Instead, students use examples of what imaginary players have done to figure out how to play a game. Students practice the four parts of computational… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Data Science, Teaching and Learning
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Author: Aynur Elif Kekec Bulut, ABE Türkiye

Differentiated ABE
This differentiated learning program enables senior students studying Investigating Science to access the ABE program to deepen their understanding of how the discovery of the structure of DNA has… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Lab Safety, Lab Techniques, Cloning, Column Chromatography, Gel Electrophoresis, Ligation, PCR, Pipetting, Plating, Restriction Enzyme, Transformation, Teaching and Learning, Differentiated Instruction, Emergent Multilingual Learners
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Author: Anna-Maree Wells, ABE Australia

Is It in Our Genes? Race and Health
In this companion to the ABE Exploring Precision Medicine module, students explore and compare the concepts of race and genetics, and the social and medical impact these categories may have on… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Race & Genetics
Education Levels: Upper Secondary
Author: David Upegui, ABE Rhode Island

Viral Variants
This project addresses several key issues related to microorganisms, and places students in the role of CDC investigators who are studying the origins of a virus resistant to treatment. In addition,… Read more
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based
Topic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease, Immunology, Vaccines
Education Levels: Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary, Introductory
Author: Urlette Reyes, ABE Greater Los Angeles Area